Visa and Immigration and Downloads

The Directorate of Immigration and Registration of Persons is under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government; responsible for population registration and maintenance of an inclusive population register, migration management, border control and refugees welfare supervision.

 Our Vision: “To be a global leader in population registration and migration management”

  • Our Mission: To enhance national security and social economic development by maintaining a comprehensive population database, proper migration management and timely registration and issuance of secure identification documents.
  • Core Values:
    • Efficiency and Effectiveness
    • Patriotism
    • Teamwork
    • Integrity (honest, accountable, transparency, impartiality, fairness)
    • Customer focus
  • Core Functions
    • Registration of persons, births and deaths
    • Providing immigration services
    • Management of refugees
    • Border management
    • Maintenance of the integrated population registration system.

Rollout of e-Passport

This is to notify the General Public that the Department of Immigration will start issuing the e-Passport with effect from 1st September 2017. Holders of valid current passports will be allowed to use them for the next 2 years i.e to 31st August 2019 after which they will be rendered invalid. Please note that the department will no longer be issuing the current Ordinary, Diplomatic and East African passports. For further information:

  • Visit the Immigration Offices at Nyayo house or Regional offices in Mombasa and Kisumu.
  • Email:
  • Call: 020 2222022.
  • Sms or whatsapp: 0719792631.
  • Twitter handle: @ImmigrationDept.
  • Facebook: Department of Immigration Services.



Passport and Temporary Permits

Permits, Passes and Aliens Registration

Permits and Passes Checklist

Kenyan Visa

Kenya Citizenship and Permanent Residence

Entry-Departure Declaration form

Civil Registration Forms